Telemetry API

Spacetime’s telemetry service allows agents to push metrics to the controller. Metrics enable Spacetime to:

  • Adjust its models to better reflect reality.
  • Notify operators when a model and measurements differ.
  • Allow operators to confirm when a model and measurements agree.
  • Facilitate analyses of network performance derived from observed data.

The telemetry service is made up of a single method: ExportMetrics. An agent may call this method to push metrics to Spacetime. Each pushed datapoint is accompanied by a timestamp indicating when the datapoint was observed.

Supported metrics include:

  • Interface metrics, including operational state (up, down, etc.) and standard statistics (packets received, packets transmitted, etc.).
  • Modem metrics, include link data rates, Es/No, and SINR.

Example ExportMetrics requests

Interface metrics

To push an interface’s metrics to Spacetime, an agent may call ExportMetrics with a request message resembling the following:

"interface_metrics": {
  "interface_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  "operational_state_data_points": {
    "time": {
      "seconds": 1715299444,
      "nanos": 241575746
    "value": "IF_OPER_STATUS_UP"
  "standard_interface_statistics_data_points": {
    "start_time": {
      "seconds": 1697243803,
      "nanos": 604660330
    "time": {
      "seconds": 1715299444,
      "nanos": 893398000
    "rx_packets": 50441203,
    "tx_packets": 44465327,
    "rx_bytes": 52059174455,
    "tx_bytes": 113889322681,
    "tx_errors": 2

Modem metrics

To push a modem’s metrics to Spacetime, an agent may call ExportMetrics with a request message resembling the following:

"modem_metrics": {
  "modem_id": "75f0380d-17cb-40fd-924d-0b5abf11d3ca",
  "link_metrics_data_points": {
    "time": {
      "seconds": 1715299444,
      "nanos": 673155651,
    "tx_modem_id": "7b2d5737-901a-414c-9179-efdbbf9a2cdb"
    "data_rate_bps": 5E7,
    "esn0_db": 13.98,
    "sinr_db": 13.15,
  "link_metrics_data_points": {
    "time": {
      "seconds": 1715299444
      "nanos": 673157499
    "tx_modem_id": "fe7e86a5-3e37-4364-9899-62c31bcde47f",
    "data_rate_bps": 5E7,
    "esn0_db": 13.05,
    "sinr_db": 12.97