Network Node

A NetworkNode is a collection of network interfaces (of type NetworkInterface) and defines the networking parameters of a single device or a subnet.

The NetworkInterface has an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and a field to indicate whether the interface can receive traffic in promiscuous mode. This interface can model a WiredDevice or a WirelessDevice, which connect this logical networking entity to Spacetime’s physical model. WirelessDevices specify the ID of the TransceiverModel used for its communications. WiredDevices specify the ID of an associated platform and their data rate.

The storage field allows you to express that a node has a certain amount of onboard storage. This is useful for science missions that intermittently downlink data or for disruption tolerant network flows (DTN), where nodes can store-and-forward traffic either at the source or at an intermediate node.

The agent field configures whether Spacetime can orchestrate the routing on this node. This allows Spacetime to model nodes that have their own routing protocols and should be present in the network, but whose routing tables will not be updated by Spacetime. Within this message, the maximum_control_plane_latency field allows you to model multiple ways of reaching this node through the control plane.

The power_budget defines a limit on the aggregate amount of power on the node that is available across all network interfaces.