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Control to Data Plane Interface (CDPI) Developer Guide

Spacetime’s CDPI endpoint provides methods through which network devices receive commands from the SDN controller and report status back in turn. The software that runs on the network element and enacts commands received from the SDN controller is called the “CDPI agent.”

The CDPI exposes the following services:

  • NetworkControllerStreaming: A bidirectional streaming interface through which the SDN controller sends commands to CDPI agents and receives control plane state information in return.
  • NetworkTelemetryStreaming: A bidirectional streaming interface for network elements to report telemetry data to the controller.
  • Cdpi: This interface is still under development. Conceptually, it is similar to NetworkControllerStreaming, but it will improve the semantic representation of the communication between the agent and the controller.


In this interface, the SDN controller sends commands to agents through ControlStateChangeRequests, which represent the creation or deletion of an update to a network element’s control plane, or a ping. Agents respond with ControlStateNotifications, which contain the updated control plane state, a list of statuses about pending updates, and/or a response to a ping.

To create an update through a ControlStateChangeRequest, the controller uses a ScheduledControlUpdate, which wraps the update and a time_to_enact, the time for the agent to begin enacting the update. The controller uses this field to synchronize updates across multiple agents and identify when there are new updates that should replace existing pending ones.

There are 4 types of updates that Spacetime issues to agents:

  • Beam updates: An update to a beam, such as an antenna or optical laser, according to the network topology that Spacetime’s solving engine has produced.
  • Radio updates: A cognitive engine interface for issuing updates to radio-system parameters.
  • Flow updates: An update to a router or switch’s configuration.
  • Tunnel updates: An update to establish a tunnel with encapsulation/decapsulation rules and encryption/decryption policies.

For each of these updates, the controller sends a message corresponding to the update (e.g. BeamUpdate), and the agent responds with a state message (e.g BeamStates) to reflect the outcome of the update.

These state messages get sent back to the controller through ControlStateNotifications. The priority field allows the controller to establish multiple control plane paths to reach a network element, and each is tried in ascending order of priority.

To delete an update through a ControlStateChangeRequest, the controller sends a ScheduledControlDeletion, which contains the ID of the intended network element and the IDs of the updates to delete.

Beam Update and State
A BeamUpdate allows the controller to modify parameters on an antenna or optical laser. The radio_config field configures radio parameters such as the transmit and receive channel. The controller can also instruct the agent to load a specific modem profile or SDR firmware image through the modem_config_id field. This is useful for when firmware updates are being pushed to network elements, and the controller needs to set which version is used. The target_interface_id and target_id fields set a new pointing target, and the acquisition_info field contains the coordinates, ADS-B transponder and MAC address of the target. The establishment_timeout sets a timeout on enacting the update, beyond which a status of DEADLINE_EXCEEDED will be returned to the controller.

The BeamStates message contains the IDs of active BeamTasks, which represent targeting commands issued to the network element.

Radio Update and State
A RadioUpdate allows the controller to set radio-system parameters, such as the center frequency, channel width, and transmit power through the tx_state and rx_state fields. This update also supports implementing a TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) schedule for multiple access radios, with a series of Unicast, Beacon, Polled, or Contention transmit slots, and Unicast or Broadcast receive slots. There is also a modem_config_id, like in the BeamUpdate.

The RadioStates message contains a map of each interface on a network element to its radio-system state, including the tx_state field, rx_state field, and the TDMA schedule.

Flow Update and State
A FlowUpdate specifies the addition or deletion of a FlowRule, which describes changes to a network element’s routing table. A FlowRule can match packets based on a range of IP headers (IPv4 or IPv6), generic Layer 4 headers (for TCP, UDP, SCTP, etc.), or Ethernet headers, as defined in a PacketClassifier message. The action_bucket field describes the sequence of Actions to enact on the network device. Each Action sets a destination address through a SetField message, or sets the egress port for forwarding matched packets via a Forward message. Spacetime also supports multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) by allowing the controller to set the MPLS label in a SetField message and manipulate the MPLS stack through PushHeader and PopHeader messages. Each Action within the ActionBucket is presumed to be executed sequentially on the network element.

The FlowState message contains a list of active FlowRules.

Tunnel Update and State
A TunnelUpdate specifies the addition or deletion of a TunnelRule, which describes encapsulation/decapsulation rules and encryption/decryption policies. The EncapRule defines the encapsulated source and destination’s IP address and port number, which form the tunnel’s outer header. Both the EncapRule and DecapRule match packets based on a PacketClassifier and have ESP (Encrypted Security Payload) parameters. Spacetime’s EspParameters currently support defining an authentication algorithm (e.g. HMAC-SHA1-96) with an encrypted key and an encryption algorithm (e.g. AES-CBC 128) with an encrypted key. In the future, we plan to support more authentication and encryption algorithms.

The TunnelStates message contains a list of the active TunnelRules.


Details regarding the implementation of this interface in CDPI agents can be found in the cdpi_agent/ directory. To gain an understanding of these concepts, we can look at the extproc_agent binary, which delegates the enactment of CDPI commands to a user-configured external process.

A sample ScheduledControlUpdate with a FlowUpdate might resemble:

  "node_id": "my-network-node-id",
  "change": {
    "flow_update": {
      "flow_rule_id": "my-flow-rule-id",
      "rule": {
        "operation": "ADD",
        "classifier": {
          "ip_header": {
            "src_ip_range": "2607:8780:1e8:b660::/64",
            "dst_ip_range": "2604:ca00:f002:12::2/128"
        "action_bucket": [
            "action": [
                "action_type": {
                  "forward": {
                    "out_interface_id": "mmwave0"

Then, in our custom enactment backend, we could read the message and process the update using logic such as:

def process(req: dict[str, Any]):

    flow_update = req["change"]["flow_update"]
    rule_id = flow_update["flow_rule_id"]
    rule = flow_update["rule"]
    is_add = rule["operation"] == "ADD"
    packet_classifier = rule["classifier"]
    fn = add_forwarding_rule if is_add else delete_forwarding_rule

    for bucket in rule["action_bucket"]:
        for action in bucket["action"]:
            out_iface_id = action["action_type"]["forward"]["out_interface_id"]
            fn(id=rule_id, classifier=packet_classifier, out_iface=out_iface_id)

def add_forwarding_rule(id: str, classifier: dict[str, Any], out_iface: str):
    """The logic to add a forwarding rule goes here."""

def delete_forwarding_rule(id: str, classifier: dict[str, Any], out_iface: str):
    """The logic to delete a forwarding rule goes here."""


This service allows agents to send telemetry data to the SDN controller. The controller requests data through a TelemetryRequest, which can optionally configure a rate for data to be published periodically. The agent responds with a TelemetryUpdate, containing either a NetworkStatsReport or a NetworkEventReport.

This report contains maps with radio-system parameters and packet transmission data for network interfaces on the network elements, targeting and positioning data for antennas, and packet transmission data for individual FlowRules. RadioStats store telemetry from the transmitter, such as the physical-layer data rate and transmit packet error rate, and telemetry from the receiver, such as the mean squared error of the signal received, the power of the signal at the receiver’s output and a breakdown of this power by chain on the receiver. InterfaceStats describe the number of packets and bytes transmitted and received, and the number of dropped packets and packet errors on the transmitter and receiver. BeamStats contain an antenna’s current target and its connection status (e.g seeking or locked), and information about its gimbal’s location, orientation, and pointing vector. FlowStats report the number of packets and bytes transmitted and received along a routing path or for a given FlowRule. Each of these Stats messages is time-stamped.

These reports represent time-stamped events or edge events. NetworkEventReports support describing whether a link is up or down through a RadioEvent, whether a port is up or down through a PortEvent, and whether a network interface is enabled or disabled through an InterfaceEvent.


This service is still under development.

Conceptually, the Cdpi service is similar to NetworkControllerStreaming; both deliver messages to configure a network element’s control plane and receive state information in return. In the Cdpi service, the controller sends CdpiResponses that contain a request_payload, which can be thought of as a container for ControlStateChangeRequests. Unlike NetworkControllerStreaming though, the agent-to-controller communication will be handled through unary interfaces that more clearly represent the outcomes of updates.